Hey everyone! First of all I would just like to say congratulations to Christianne, this website is amazing!
At the moment I am planning a 1 month backpacking trip around Europe for after Covid and I was wondering, how much would be a good budget? I am planning on visiting Italy, Switzerland, Austria and a couple of other places. They're not the cheapest countries, I know, but I will be staying in hostels, cooking my food, doing loads of free things. Any help is greatly appreciated as this is my first time doing something like this😊 Thank you!
Hey, just like you already stated, they indeed aren't the cheapest coutry, especially Switzerland. However, you can easily stay on a budget in Europe but you just have to remember that it isn't like Asia. You more have to think like an australia budget. For a decent hostel in Switzerland you can expect to pay around the 40€ (sometimes way less but sometimes more). I would suggest couch surfing if you're comfortable with that since (i personally think so) the people in Switzerland are kind. Transport and accomodation will be your biggest cost. I would suggest stippeling out a route from the bigging so you dont back track and spend unnecessary costs on transport. per day 79 - 85USD will be a good budget for someone with medium backpackers costs (this is around the 70 - 80€) Italy is actually quite doable if you choose the right cities, hostel costs are very different per city but range from 18 - 30€. eating out is a big expense in italy so cooking for yourself is a good idea, however, i noticed that not every hostel in italy has a kitchen so if you are looking for a hostel, always check for a kitchen! I would suggest having a budget of 60 - 75 euro per day based on hostels, 1 meal eating out and a saving for some cool things to do. Austria is not as expensive as Switzerland but is a bit more expensive than Italy. Like i said before it really depends on where you are going. Accomodation will range between 16 - 30€ if you are going for a hostel. I would suggest going for a 65 or 70 budget a day because there are a lot of fun activities in Austria which you don't want to miss! Also beautiful train trips so safe up for that! I hoped i helped you with sketching this picture and if you need any help with or these countries or any other country in Europe, let me know and i'll see if i ever went there or have friends who did!