So basically, in 2 years, I want to do a gap year of travels after college (aged 18). I have begun earning and saving money for this. But I was just wondering how you guys broke the news to your parents that you want to do a gap year?
My parents will no doubt be supportive as it's a nice break before I head to uni. But I am the youngest of 3 children so it may be difficult for my mum especially to go from seeing me everyday to not seeing me for like 3 months (as I want to do Camp America).
What are your guys' experiences? Thanks
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I'm also planning on doing a gap year and travelling solo in a couple years. I have told my parents about it but I think that they are just humouring me and don't think I will actually do it (even though I most definitely am). I think that I'm going to just try and convince my parents over the next while and to be honest I don't think I'd really let them stop me but I really want their approval. What always works with my parents is to write a persuasive letter to them and make sure they know just how important it is to me. I would also make sure to plan as much as I can to show them that I can handle it.
I'm planning on doing the same! I told actually told my parents quite recently about my plans, they knew I was thinking about a gap year but had no idea I wanted to go solo which scared them a bit. What I did was I just told them all the great things that I could do with the time (and some of the places i wanted to go) and they seem fine with it. It turns out my dad actually really wanted to have a gap year when he was younger so he's very supportive.
I also want to possibly do a gap year in the future! How did u save up for it? What did you do?
It's difficult to say since every person's relationship with their parents is different, but for me the more I demonstrated my independence to my parents the more they saw me as an adult who could make my own decisions. So earning your own money is definitely a step in that direction! Basically, you want it to be clear to them, by the time you break the news that you want to travel, that this is something you are mature/responsible enough to handle. Hope this helps! It sounds to me like you are already figuring it out! Good luck!